
Teddy Bear Dinner

Programs Email List:

Want to keep up with our programs?  Click here and fill out the form to join our email list!

Library System Events Calendar:

Check out the DCLS Calendar to see all the events at all the libraries in Delco!

Click here to see a list of events only here at the Aston Library.

Kids Programs:

We offer a variety of children’s programming, including storytimes.

Click here to see and register for all our upcoming kids programs.

Monthly Book Group for Adults:

There is a monthly book discussion group for adult readers, which meets on the second Thursday of each month at 1PM.  Each month, they discuss a book chosen by the group.  Summer months are skipped.

12 responses to “Events

  1. Teresa Pegan

    I think that you should have more teen programs. There don’t seem to be any here except for the summer reading program.

  2. astonlibrary


    I’d like to. The only other thing we’ve had recently for teens was a video game night. Does anyone have some ideas for what kind of events we could have for teens?

    Stephen Sarazin, Director

    • Sydney Niu


    • angie

      you could have a talent show that anyone can sighn up for and just have fun at what they love to do

    • chris

      Board games. Turn off the video games. Unplug. Take out the batteries. We hold a Connect Four tournament at family Thanksgiving. Brackets like March Madness. Players shake hands. Square off. First 3 years winners under 10! Rules straight forward. Not so much regular checkers. Give it a whirl

    • Debbie Evans

      Stephen, we just recently spent 2 years in Massachusetts and are now back in Aston. While there, we were spending quite a bit of time at Memorial Hall Library in Andover, MA. Their web site is That library is bustling with activity for all ages. Both Caitlin and Hannah (Rhoads) joined and participated in many of their activities. I was really impressed with their teen program. This was about the only thing we missed when we moved back here!

      Debbie Evans

  3. astonlibrary

    Hi Sydney,

    The County Library system normally holds a poetry contest for all grades in the winter. I am checking to see if it is happening this year.


  4. Julie

    I tutor my niece at the Horsham Library. I noticed that they are having a weekly event over the summer to pair up a teenager with a younger student to read together once a week. They have trainings for the older kids and then I believe the parents can sign up the younger kids. I think it’s a great idea to build literacy for all involved and a great opportunity for any teens looking to get involved in volunteering.

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