For Kids

Kids’ area!

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The West side of the library is a special area, just for kids!


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Storytime! Your young child can learn basic literacy skills while having fun! We offer story times every week, open to everyone! Join us for toddler/infant time on Wednesdays at 10:30AM, and preschool time (ages 3-5) on Thursdays at 10:30AM!

Click here to register!

New Books for Kids:

4 responses to “For Kids

  1. Katie

    i wish there was a story time on the weekends for kids. Its hard for the working mommys. i’d like to be able to bring my son to things but i can’t with my work schedule.

  2. Aston Library

    Hi Katie,

    We occasionally do programs in the evenings for the kids. For example, we have a Pretzel storytime Wednesday November 30th at 6:30PM. I will try to work in a Saturday program or two. We’re just very limited now in terms of funds and staffing due to the budget cuts. I was going to mention looking at the calendars for the other nearby Delco libraries, but I’m not seeing Saturday programs for the little ones there either right now, so that does seem to be lacking overall.


  3. You guys have made this a fantastic library for kids! We have enjoyed your summer programs for years and really loved helping to plant the kids garden.

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